When the first Tooth does begins to erupt?
Most commonly the first primary or milk tooth to erupt in the mouth is lower central incisors. The eruption schedule may vary from 6 months to 10 months. During the first tooth eruption, some babies may experience teething symptoms like sleep disturbance, poor food intake, swelling in the gums and mild fever. These symptoms usually last only for few days and weans off once the tooth erupts completely.
When should be child’s first visit to dentist?
The child is taken to the dentist only when the need arises. But actually the first visit of the child should be made only the first tooth erupts between 6months to 10 months of age or around 1 year of age to examine the dental health of the child.
When should my child start brushing his/her teeth?
Our mouth is the entry point for all kind of microorganisms. So it is really necessary to keep our mouth clean. The parents should start cleaning their babies mouth from the gum pad stage itself. Initially in a new-born baby, cleaning can be done with a help of gauze. This should be continued regularly till the first tooth erupts and after that paediatric brush can be used. Till the age of 2, parents should brush their child’s mouth and teach the method of brushing. After 3 years of age the child should be made to brush by themselves under the supervision of their parents.
Are milk teeth really important?
Many parents are very reluctant to take their child to a dentist, because they have a thinking that milk teeth are going to fall off, so why should I care and treat them? Most of the parents puts up this question to the dentist at least once. But the real fact is that the primary or milk teeth acts as a foundation for the developing permanent teeth. Any injury or decay to the primary teeth can have severe effect on the underlying developing permanent tooth buds.
How to prevent dental decay in a child?
The causes behind the formation of dental decay are multifactorial. But certain steps can be taken to prevent it. Prolonged breast feeding beyond the weaning period can lead to development of dental caries. Breast feeding should be properly weaned around by 16-18 months of age. If you prefer bottle feeding for your child, feed the baby when she/he is awake, do not encourage the habit of bottle feeding at bedtime, because when your child falls asleep with the bottle in the mouth, the milk may stay within the mouth due to lack of suction and the sugar substitutes in the milk can lead to formation of caries. Oral hygiene should be properly maintained. Professionally, dental decays can be prevented by applications of sealants to a newly erupted tooth.
How do dental sealants prevent dental caries ?
Sealants are applied on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. They can be applied only on newly erupted teeth that are free of any caries. Sealants acts as a barrier by inhibiting the accumulation of bacteria or food particles onto the tooth surface and thereby protects the tooth from the development of caries.
What should be done if my child’s tooth gets decayed?
If you find decayed tooth in your child’s mouth, without any further delay take your child to a dentist. Multiple treatment options are available to treat the decayed tooth. In early stages, the decayed portion of the tooth will be removed followed by placement of simple restoration. If the decay is extensive root canal therapy can be done in a primary tooth by Pediatric Dentistry and orthodontics in Madurai . Treating the decayed primary tooth is of much important in order to have a healthy permanent tooth.
What happens if my child loses the tooth earlier than usual?
Dental decays are the most common cause for early exfoliation of primary tooth. Other causes may be due to trauma (or) any Systemic health issues. The primary tooth maintains the integrity of the arch and early exfoliation of the primary tooth can cause drifting of adjacent tooth and that may hinder the space for development of permanent tooth. In case of early exfoliation, it is mandatory to have a space maintainer to provide a room for the further eruption of permanent successors.
Can thumb sucking (or) pacifier sucking cause any dental issues ?
Thumb sucking or pacifier sucking is considered normal till the age of 4 years. Beyond this age, it can lead to development of severe malocclusion. If the child has this habit even after the eruption of permanent teeth, then it should be treated with the help of habit breaking appliances And make sure to check the arrangement of the teeth with our director who is an orthodontist at Zaara Pediatric Dentistry and orthodontics in Madurai who can predict their malocclusion and give an intercept treatment right from young age to give them the best smile ever.
What type of dental emergency can happen in a child ?
Traumatic injuries are the most common type of dental emergency that can happen in a child. The Traumatic injuries should be treated as early as possible. The severity of the injury is assessed and treated accordingly. The dental x-ray should be taken to analyse the extent of injury. Mostly commonly involved teeth in Traumatic injuries are maxillary incisors. In case of simple fractures, the sharp edge of the tooth may be smoothened. But if there is any involvement of pulp then root canal treatment (PULPECTOMY) is initiated which is done at Zaara kids dentistry in Madurai .
How often should a child visit the dentist?
The routine dental check-ups should be done every 6 months. During each visit the dentist will examine the dental health and also the pattern of developing dentition. If needed, early treatment measures are given to prevent the abnormal developing pattern of dentition.
Is there any speciality for children dental treatment?
YES, specialist treating children are called as Pedodontist. We at Zaara Dental Clinic in Madurai are equipped with the most experienced and top most Pedodontist in town. So your child get to get treatment by the specialist in the field.
Is the paediatric treatment painful?
Never at Zaara. We at Zaara Dental Clinic in Madurai are equipped with most advanced painless injection and other machines to give your child a complete painless environment.
To care about the complete physical health, dental care is a vital part and a great dental care starts young just like with the general physical care.
It is a great decision to choose a specialized Pediatric Dentistry and orthodontics in Madurai that can care for your kid’s unique dental needs as good habits leads to the glowing health springs from the positive childhood habits.