What is meant by Oral Surgery?
It refers to the dental procedure of removing severely damaged or infected teeth from the mouth that cannot be saved by any measures. During teeth extractions or Oral surgery treatment in Ramnad ,the tooth root is removed from the bone along with the crown.
How does wisdom tooth extraction differ from normal extraction?
Once it has been determined that a wisdom tooth is problematic and needs to be removed; local anaesthesia is administered to ensure the tooth can be pulled out without any major discomfort. A minor Oral surgery treatment is then performed where the tissue and bone around the wisdom tooth are removed so that the tooth can be cleanly extracted from the socket. Sutures or stitches may be needed to close the surgical site and promote healing of the overlying tissue. A follow up may be needed the next day to check out the sutures in place and to evaluate the surrounding tissues.

Dental hospital in Ramnad
Zaara Dental hospital in Ramnad has grown rapidly over 50 years since 1967 and is now succeeding with third generation dentists in Ramnad. It has now established into two different location across Ramnad, catering to serve more people. Zaara Dental Hospital is a Multi-Speciality Dental hospital in Ramnad headed by a group of young and enthusiastic Dentists in Ramnad with a vision of providing the best dental treatments in Ramnad possible to all our patients. We have experienced doctors who are specialized in various branches of dentistry to serve people to the best of their needs. Each practice is patient-focused and committed to deliver the highest standards of dental care in Ramnad.
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